Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mike Kelley Files for City School Board

For release July 15, 2011

Mike Kelley Files for City School Board

Mike Kelley today filed for re-election to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education. He is a parent of four children who attend or have attended district schools. He was initially elected to the board in 2003 and re-elected in 2007.

"Our community is at a critical juncture. With a new superintendent starting this month, there is an opportunity to review our district through new eyes while at the same time financial constraints will continue for at least the next several years. Thus, we must focus on priorities and be efficient in how we deliver a high quality education to all children in order to maximize the opportunity for excellence for each child."

During his tenure on the board, Kelley served as chair of the board from 2009 to 2010 and as vice chair from 2008 to 2009. He has participated in multiple board committees including Redistricting Committees in 2006 and 2007, Curriculum Advisory Committee, Drug Abuse Task Force, Health Advisory Committee, Technology Advisory Committee, and board liaison to Head Start Policy Council, Special Needs Advisory Committee, Sustainability Committee, Elementary #11 Design Committee, and the School Improvement Teams at several schools. He has also been a member of the North Carolina School Board Association’s Legislative Committee, which helps set the legislative platform for the state-wide organization.

Before joining the board in 2003, Kelley has been a parent school volunteer and active in other education-related organizations. As a result of redistricting, a move, and program participation, Kelley's four children have attended nearly half the schools in the district. In the fall, he will have two children in high school, one in college, and the fourth pursuing an advanced degree.

Kelley, 51, is a physician scientist at Duke University and the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.

Kelley is married to Elise Hoffman. Prior to coming to Chapel Hill in 1998, he was in the US Public Health Service at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland. Kelley received his undergraduate education from Monroe County Community College and the University of Michigan, and earned his medical degree in 1985 from the University of Michigan.

Contact information:

Mike Kelley

205 Ukiah Lane

Chapel Hill, NC 27514
